QuicDoc Enterprise - Launches New Implementation Portal
Reference Number: AA-00290 Views: 17184 Created: 03-09-2012 12:12 pm Last Updated: 06-29-2018 02:32 pm 0 Rating/ Voters

Converting a practice from paper records to a new EMR system can be a daunting task, that consumes time and staff resources that are needed to run the practice's operations. QuicDoc's new Implementation Portal provides a way for the practice team and the QuicDoc Implementation Coordinator to stay in continual contact throughout the process. The Portal also provides a secure location to record the decisions that are made during the setup of the new system.

Even if the facility is replacing their current outdated EMR implementing a new one comes with many challenges. This new Portal minimizes these challenges by providing instant access to the information needed to setup and allows the implementation team to get to their GO LIVE date much faster.

If you are interested in moving from paper records, replacing your current EMR or just want to know how QuicDoc Enterprise can help your behavioral/mental health organization achieve Meaningful Use Certification while still allowing you to keep the patient the center of your organization call Scott Despres at 800-850-8510 or email to scott@quicdoc.com.

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